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Let's share some facts here now that EVERY person should now when he/she doing this job.

Sometimes people think that you got to have over loads of charisma, you got to be really intelligent, you need to have right background experience, whatever it is. But. . .I have to tell you something. If you want to be great in something you need really 2 things, and it's most important thing that I can see in my business, especially if I look over the 2 years what's allowed me to be better and better here is CONSISTENCY. . . Just CONTINUING to show up over and over, and over, and over, and over again.

Sometimes there is the ''planting season''. You got to continue to plant, to plant, to plant, to plant, to plant, AND if you'll continue to plant for long enough, eventually you end up reaping the harvest. It's kind like working out -you can work out for week, two weeks, three weeks, and you are not going to have a rock solid body with six pack abs, IT TAKES A LITTLE WHILE, it takes that LONG TERM CONSISTENCY!

-That's what it takes to win, that's what it takes to be great.

The OTHER thing is LOVE WHAT YOU'RE DOING. You have to figure out how to fall in love with what it is you're doing, because what happens if you don't fall in love with what you're doing, then you have a hard time being consistent.

One of the reason why it's easy for me to be consistent with my business is because I've CONVINCED myself, I BRAINWASHED myself that I absolutely LOVE it. I do. I just can't get enough of it. I love speaking with other people, I love training, I love building new teams, I just love the game, I love the process.

So, those are the two things that I wanted to leave you today, it's CONSISTENCY and LOVE of the work. So. . .my friends, be consistent, fall in love with that you're doing and look forward to seeing your success story.

I'd love to see comments bellow and what do YOU think about what is the most important think for success in SFI? Bye!

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