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SFI's advertising tools

SFI is an AFFILIATE PROGRAM and the main job of its affiliates is to advertise and generate sales.

Those sales will make us earn some commissions (25% or 50% depending on our rank), and , of

course, the Company will get its share.

WHAT can we advertise?

First, we can advertise SFI program, like an online opportunity to earn money.

Second, we can advertise any item from the TripleClicks market.

Third, we can advertise the EAGER ZEBRA games.

Fourth, we can advertise the ASTRO auctions.

Fifth, we can advertise the Rewardical loyalty program... correlated to the Localvantia program and

Rewardical ECA program (RECA).

SFI has provided us REALLY MANY TOOLS to do the advertising... our job is to read and

learn all possibilities available to us...and choose / use what we like and works best for us.

In our SFI Affiliate Center, on the BLACK BAR, we can find many info / tools we need to do this job.

The BLACK BAR is a real TREASURE of all kind of info...try to explore it carefully... learn WHERE you can find the info you need.

One of the buttons there is the MARKETING button.

Marketing methods will explain you HOW and WHERE to advertise... at least, in a general way...

because , WE will need to find OUR ways... those that work for US.

Marketing aids will offer you hundreds of banners or memes for every purpose.

Banners that we use on our blogs...landing pages... websites.

Advertising online will make us learn many things... what is URL...HTML... how to make a blog..or website... what is Traffic Exchange...

Be prepared to read and learn...your knowledge will become richer day by day.

We can find a lot of answers on the SFI website...try to use the SEARCH when you need to know


But, our BEST FRIEND will always be the GOOGLE SEARCH.

To answer our questions...or to find places to put our ads... just ask the "mother Google".

The SEARCH engines work on keywords.

And we will have to learn the importance of the RIGHT KEYWORDS for both purposes:

1. when we search something on the internet

2. when we write on our blogs or websites.

The most common way of advertising is using our REFERAL LINKS.... we call them GATEWAYS.

We have a LOOONG list of Gateways for so many different purposes

Just take a good look of them and read the, you can choose the right one

for what you need to do.

You can advertise your gateways on the internet... but, be aware that social media DO NOT like

the referral links They want to be paid for allowing advertising on their site.

So, what we do usually, is to make a blog or website, put there our banners or gateways and

THEN promote the URL of our blog / website.

If you have never made a blog or website...and believe me...the majority of us NEVER done that before joining SFI... but, Google and You Tube are there to help us, teach us... and even if that seems to you

something too difficult to do... what you need is just your WILL to read, watch, learn...even make

mistakes...many of them... but, those, mistakes are the best LESSONS you can get.

Because, I am sure you will do your BEST to NOT repeat them.

The BLOGGER.COM is the most simple platform to try it... once you learn the basic things there,

you can go to WIX, WORDPRESS or so many others. just give yourself the time to learn and


and here is the video tutorial

Remember, one of your tasks on your TO-DO list is to put a banner on your blog/ website...

so, go for it.

We can always edit our blogs...change what we want... put other banners, if we want...

so, take your time and try to make it the way you want.

Advertising items from TripleClicks

We need to understand that TripleClicks covers DIFFERENT kinds of items to promote/ sell:

1. physical and digital items

2. ASTRO auctions

3. EAGER ZEBRA games

Every item on TripleClicks can be promoted through the SFI TOOLBOX and the SHARE


Please, try to explore the SFI Toolbox links... don't be afraid to click on them...

every one of them will give you more info... show you the way to do something...

The SHARE button link is already shortened ( but, your SFI ID is incorporated there), so, it's

just easy to share it on social media or wherever you want.

The EZ games have , also their SHARE buttons

When you get some good result in any of the games, just post it on your progile page and

add the link from the SHARE button.

Maybe, some friend will be interested...and clicking on that link will become your PRM.

ASTRO auctions have their SHARE buttons, too.

Just click on that "i" icon and you will get this window.

Click on that SHARE button and copy the link. Paste it where you want... until that specific

auction is still running, the link will show that auction...after that, the link will just bring the customer

to the AUCTIONS page.

The BIG question : WHERE should I advertise? ... is worth "a million dollars" ☺

That's precisely our job : find those places...find OUR places that work for us.

Don't expect from others to give you the exact links where they advertise... giving their

"secrets" would ruin THEIR job...and yours , too.

Too many "fishermen" at the same lake is just NOT A GOOD IDEA.

So, make the Google Search your BEST FRIEND...and try to learn HOW to ask

the RIGHT questions...use the right keywords.

If you can afford it, our ECommergy site could help a lot to learn things about internet marketing.

When you have time...and do some reading... you need just 500 Rewardicals to get the

1 Day Pass for ECommergy... or $ 1.97.

But, be aware, the clock starts ticking from the moment you buy it... so, try to plan it well. a STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION for 30 days... it's just $9.97.

Wishing you a lot of success in your advertising!

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