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The Localvantia program is about registering some PHYSICAL stores from your town for the Localvantia program.

Localvantia is only a part of the REWARDICAL program, that is essentially a LOYALTY program.

Meaning, those that register for the RW program will get some "rewards" if they buy in Localvantia stores.

There are MANY loyalty program out there...everyone of them is offering something...a discount, a coupon....or something similar.

The Rewardical program is offering the Rewardical items that can be used in many ways.

The Rewardical program is MUCH wider than the Localvantia includes even the Rewardical ECA online, Localvantia is just a PART of it.

How can people earn from Localvantia stores?

If they register for the RW program, when they buy something in a Localvantia store, they will earn RW tokens based on the amount they have spent.

If you go to the you will get the HOME page for the Localvantia site.

A click on the SEARCH button will give you the list of ALL Localvantia stores registered until that moment.

There you can see HOW MANY tokens you can get if you spend a value of $ 10.

Of course, every store works with their national currency, but the system will do the automatic exchange to US Dollars. to have some Localvantia stores in our town and have a chance to earn some Rewardical tokens...or even money (commissions) if our RW PRMs ( people that register for RW program through our PROMO CODE) buy something in ANY Localvantia store?

We can start with Pre - Registering some stores where we usually spend our money...every day...or from time to time...

Then we can Pre -register any store we think we can advertise and "MAKE" people go there to shop (spend money).

To Pre - Register a store for Localvantia, you need to take a picture of the storefront of that store...

Then you need to go to the Pre - Registration page and put all the data needed...

The store doesn't need to have a website...but , they NEED to have an e-mail address....SFI will send there all they need to know

and ,also, the invoices they have to pay...if someone buys something in their store and claim their tokens.

If they don't have "a real storefront" need to make a photo of the owner with his products...the best way would be to make that photo and send it to the Support asking for their assistance and explaining the situation.

Usually, you don't need to contact the owner for Pre-Registration... but, if you need to make THAT kind of photo, of course, you need to talk to him and have his collaboration.

When you finish the Pre-Registration, and submit it...and it goes need to wait for the response from the Support.

You will get an e-mail...letting you know that your Pre-Registration has been accepted ..or NOT.

If it has not been accepted, they will write the reason for it...if you can do it the way they want it, GOOD, if not...try with some

other store.

If your Pre-Registration has been accepted, you will be able to see it in your Account.

THEN the real work need to contact the owner, try to explain what does that mean to enter the Localvantia program (and Rewardical program) and try to convince him/her to sign up for the program.

The important thing here is that you NEED to have all the information they might ask you... need to "know WHAT are you talking about".

If they "see" you don't know what are you really offering, you can't blame them if they don't accept your offer.

Their first question will, probably, be : Why should I sign up? What's there for ME?

Your answer: Signing up for the Localvantia program they are signing up for the Rewardical Loyalty program...they will have the chance to offer some incentive to their customers to BUY MORE...

because, they will earn tokens if they buy in THAT store.

Meaning, they will get more customers and more sales.

Isn't that what every store-owner wants/needs?

What are their costs?

They will need to choose the percentage they want to pay for this service...

The minimum percentage for grocery stores, gas stations and car insurance agencies is 0,5 %...for all others, the minimum is 1 % ( paying $ 1 for $100 spent in their store).

The need to have an e-mail address is because SFI will be sending the invoices to pay to their e-mail address.

All payments need to be done online so, they need to have a debit card or PayPal to do that.

The amounts will usually be very small, and the bank's costs for those transactions might be bigger than the invoice, SFI has provided the way to FUND their Accounts (minimum $ 25), so, that

the invoices can be paid automatically from there, without bank transactions (except the first one to fund the Account).

This is optional, of's up to the vendor to decide what is best for him.

Another incentive for the vendor is: he is automatically a member of the Rewardical program...meaning, he can advertise the program using HIS OWN PROMO CODE, getting members/customers and earn tokens from them.

For every 10 tokens earned by his members (those registered through HIS PROMO CODE) he will earn 1 token. He can make his own net of RW members.

Now, to REGISTER a store for the Localvantia program you need to have, at least, the EA rank.

You can Pre-Register a store even if you are an AFF...but, to become their Account Manager, you need to be EA.

If you BECOME the Account Manager of a Localvantia store, you can earn in different ways;

1. If any of your PSAs or PRMs buy something in that store, you will earn Direct Commissions (20 % of the CV for PSAs and 52 % of CV for PRMs)...

and being an EA, you will earn ,also, the Team Overrides (4 %)... making a total of 24 % for PSAs and 56 % for PRMs.

2. If any of your NSAs ( from 2-12th generation) or THEIR PRMs buy something in that store, you will get the Team Overrides (4 %)

3. As a sponsor, you will get the Rewardicals Matches ( 10% of tokens your PSAs and PRMs earn from their purchases)

4. As the Account Manager of that store, you will get 10 % of ALL TOKENS THAT STORE HAS GIVEN TO HIS CUSTOMERS (the RW members , of course).

5. And, of course, if YOU buy something in that store, you will get some tokens based on the amount you have spent.

you will get the HOME page of the Localvantia website.

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